There are a lot of sacrifices one has to make in life, but fashion should NEVER be one of them. Especially with all the fun options, you can find at the Gore Vs Whore Event by Second Life Syndicate.

The Gore Vs Whore Event is a unique Adult Valentine’s event brought to you by Second Life Syndicate, and is in it’s first ever round. Check all about it here on the Gore vs Whore site for all the details on how to play and for the catalog of items not featured in this post (there will be more posts too!)

Let’s start at the top with this great VIP gift of a hairstyle from Sn@tch. The “Sadira” hair comes with a complete HUD of natural colors and the lovely congealed blood dipped tips. Great to complete any gorgeous gorey outfit with style. Sn@tch brought lots of great things to this event. The “Ooops Crop Top” is on an omega applier and has 3 versions, A clean top, blood top or just the blood itself. The knife stabbing you through the heart is included also. There are lots of cute outfit pieces including the “Carrie” dress that I am wearing in this shot. So make sure you Sn@tch these up fast!

Another great VIP Gift is from Songbird. These are a set of Gore! and Whore! face appliers. The one I am wearing is the “Gore! Blood Splat!” version. There are a ton of great appliers from Songbird for this event and I promise I will be wearing some of them in my next post.

Lastly, I donned this lovely tiered choker from Accolade. The dark metallic design has teardrop beads that dangle into a “V” shape, accenting the triple vertical pendant that is adored with a rose motif. There are 12 beautiful common designs to win and one texture packed RARE. Go take a chance on these from Accolade beauties asap!

As always check the details below and get to shopping!!!

Body, Hands, and Feet: Maitreya Lara
Shape: Sangi’s Own Creation
Head: Catwa
Skin: Lumae
Ears:   Sweet Thing
