It’s been a sunny sunflower day lately, filled with lots of fun pride events and people coming together in Second Life to celebrate each other. This pose and outfit was just my cuppa tea to reflect all the joy I see happening.

My flip-flops & skirt are both from 1313 Mockingbird Lane at the SL18B shopping event. The gorgeous rainbow of the Malia Skirt comes with a hud to change the straps and is an amazing deal at 75L! (only at the event). The Margot Flip-Flops are the Free Gift for that event too! I love how the rainbow colors go with everything. They haven’t been off my feet since I got them! Get to 1313 Mockingbird Lane at SL18B before July 1st to get these two fun items.

My pose is from another favorite: Something New: Props & Poses. This set is called Covered By the Sun. You get the sunflowers in the background, the holdable pair, with the pose all ready to set an amazing scene. You can get this set Exclusively at Dubai until July 10th. AND it’s only 49L!!!! Get there and check out all the other goodies at the Something New: Props & Poses booth.

My specs are from Deep Statie called Maisie. They are so fun with the center portion of the frame customizable via the HUD. 15 different colors via the HUD to mix and match. These are available in the Deep Static Mainstore.