Tis the season to be aware, of tiny magic everywhere!

I love the magic of Winter turning into Spring and I loved finding all the goodness at the Mystical Marketplace: Love Potion Edition, running from February 11 till the 28th!

Let’s get into some of the amazing items I found!

The dress and boots are a set from Witch in a Box and are called: Raven. There is a generous HUD for the dress with 6 assorted witchy-themed graphics and a plain back version if you so wish. This comes in sizes for Freya & Maitreya. Perfect attire for any spellworking you may need to do.

Witch in a Box Mainstore

The amazing chest tattoo I am wearing comes from Camera Obscura. This is called the Nazar, and is based on the traditional Turkish amulets for protection against the Evil Eye. You get six different versions in this pack so you can choose which fits your mood.

I accented my spell work with this gorgeous Moon Halo and Celestial Scarves from Rainnn. The both have several selections of pieces and parts to wear, and huge HUDs for customization and styling to get your very best looks. Going to be enjoying both of these for quite a while!

Rainnn Mainstore

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